Canvas Bakelite Black

The graphite impregnated into this grade gives it a low coefficient of friction making it suitable for high load and wear. Due to the graphite content, this grade it is not suitable for electrical purposes and is primarily used in mechanical applications such as wear strips, saw guides and dry running bushes.


Property Unit of measure Value
Tensile StrengthMpa70
Elongation at Break%
Modulus of ElasticityMPa
Impact Strengthkj/m²11.5
Compressive StrengthMPa310
Shear StrengthMPa90
Shore HardnessD Scale
Co-efficient of Frictionμ0.13
Water Absorption @ 23 Deg C%0.7
Service Temperature IntermittentᵒC130
Service Temperature ContinuousᵒC120
Melting pointᵒC
Thermal ConductivityW/m.ᵒC0.36
Dielectric StrengthkV/mm
Volume ResistivityΩ.cm
Surface Resistivity
Arc ResistanceSec